Repair on hollow jewelry

Many tasks can be completed quickly and to the highest quality with the PUK,
as shown here in the example of a hollow earring part made of 333/000 yellow gold

1. the challenge

With hollow goods, it is often the case that a hole is torn in the material due to the wrong choice of setting.
To prevent this, we have an application example for you here.

2. the preparation

Clean the workpiece thoroughly using ultrasound to avoid heavy sooting and remove any solder residue, as this cannot be welded and burns during the welding process.

3. the settings

With such a thin sheet thickness (sheet thickness approx. 0.3 mm), it is extremely important to select the minimum pulse duration so that the penetration depth is as low as possible.
It is also advisable to work with the lowest possible power.
With the PUK04 with approx. 20-24%, with the PUK 3 and PUK 3s accordingly with approx. 15-18% power.

4. note

If you are unsure which settings are the right ones, always start by selecting the shortest possible pulse duration and the lowest possible power and slowly work your way up to the ideal settings.

5. create a basis

Place the welding wire on the edge of the hole or dent and place the electrode on the wire from the inside.
This will initially reinforce the edge and make it easier to weld on the material later.
This also creates a barrier to the workpiece material and prevents it from melting away.

5. applying the electrode

The wire is now placed next to the existing welding spot and the electrode, if possible, is guided to the wire from the inside.
The electrode is then positioned between the two spot welds so that they fuse together.
so that the two fuse together.
Continue working from the edge to the center and build up sufficient material.

7. thicker material

The procedure is slightly different with thicker material, because the problem of melting away or hole formation is not so great here.
Therefore, place the wire in the center of the dent and build up the material from there towards the edge.

8. material application

Make sure you apply enough material to create a durable repair that you can clean up well later.
A homogeneous, tightly welded material with as few pores as possible is also essential for the finish.

9th finish

Finally, carefully clean up the area with sandpaper and then lightly polish over.
Remove as little material as possible to prevent the area from becoming too thin and having to reapply material.

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