Welding on costume jewelry

Typically, it is the cheaper pieces of jewelry that break and then cause the biggest problems when it comes to repairing them.
Costly repairs are usually not worthwhile, especially with costume jewelry.

With the PUK, however, many such repairs can be carried out in a short time and therefore at low cost.

Select welding mode

Most costume jewelry is made of brass, copper or tin alloys and is provided with various galvanic coatings.
These base metals are often best welded in “silver mode”, as this setting is generally somewhat “gentler”.

Staple first

Bring the broken edges together as well as possible and first tack the pieces together with a few spot welds

Avoid soot

Most costume jewelry metals produce a lot of soot during welding.
If you want to puck a seam, you should regularly brush off the soot produced, as this soot has a negative effect on the welding result and can even prevent welding.

Use welding wire

To reinforce fractures, we recommend our Pd/Ag welding wire, which you can obtain from your PUK dealer.
This welding wire is very suitable for many special metals and has a high strength


The weld seam is no longer visible.

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